- 14 Sections
- 0 Lessons
- 45 Hours
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- Module1: Static Website Designing
- HTML Introduction to HTML
- HTML5 elements and HTML5 tags, Images, HTML5 List, HTML5 Table, HTML5 Form, Div, CSS Introduction to CSS, CSS selector, Applying CSS – Internal, External, Inline, CSS Class and ID
- JavaScript Introduction, Variables, Statements, Operator, Conditional Statement, Loop, User Define functions JQuery Basic idea about jquery, Advantage of jquery, Simple but essential application of jquery, Form validation using jquery
0 - Module 2: Learning the Language
- Introduction to PHP
- Embedding HTML with PHP and embedding HTML with PHP
- Data types>
- Declaring variables
- Operators
- Conditional statements
- Loops
- Different types of array
- Inbuilt essential array
- functions:- Inbuilt essential string manipulation functions
- User define functions
- Date and Time function
- Forms and User Input
- File handling(Read, Write, Append)
0 - Module 3: Database Connectivity
- Introduction to DBMS and RDBMS
- PHP and MySQL
- Creating Database and Tables in MySQL
- Creating Database connection using PHP
- Inserting data into MySQL Database using PHP
- Retrieving, Update and Delete Data from MySQL database using PHP
- MySQL Where clause
- Order By
- Joining
- multiple table using PHP
0 - Module 4: Applicability and Industry Standard
- Session and Cookies
- File Uploading in PHP
0 - Module 5: Introduction MVC framework using CodeIgniter
- Explanation of MVC Architecture
- Configuration Introduction
- Database Configuration
0 - Module 6: First CI Application
- CI Loader
- CI Libraries
- Creating Static Pages
- Creating First Controller
- Model & View
0 - Module 7: CI URLS, URI Routing
- Passing Parameters in URLs
0 - Module 8: Helper Function
- Cookie Helper
- URL Helper, Session Helper
0 - Module 9: Image Manipulation
- File Uploading and resize image
0 - Module 10: Database and CRUD in CI
- Creating Database
- Getting Data from the Database
- Active Record
- Passing Parameters
- Autoload
- Inserting Data to the Table
- Update the Table Data
- Delete the Table Data
0 - Module 11: Login Panel
- Creating Files for Login Panel
- Implementing Bootstrap and jQuery CDN
- Downloading and Installing Bootstrap and Using Base URL
- Form Validation Methods
- Using Sessions
0 - Module 12: Pagination
- Pagination of large data
0 - Module 13: AJAX Using CI
- Introduction
- Understanding AJAX XML Http Request
- Ajax Response and events
- How to use AJAX in CI
- AJAX using MySQL Database
0 - Module 14: Project Work & Documentation0