- 6 Sections
- 0 Lessons
- 60 Hours
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- Module 1: Introduction
- Data Structures Fundamentals
- Introduction Programming
- Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals
0 - Module 2: Python
- Strings
- Numbers
- Lists
- Tuples
- Files
- Sets and Booleans
- Comparison Operators
- Chained Comparison Operators
- Python Statements-Introduction to Python Statements
- Python Statements if
- elif and else Statements
- Object Oriented Programming
- For and While Loops
- Range ()
- List Comprehension
- Methods
- Functions
- Lambda Expressions
- Nested Statements and Scope
- Object Oriented Programming
- Objects
- Classes
- Methods
- Inheritance
- Special Methods
- Errors and Exception Handling
- Exception handling-Try
- Except and Finally
- Modules and Packages (and imports)
- Built-In Functions -Map
- Reduce
- Filter
- Zip
- Enumerate all(), any(), Complex, Python Decorators, Python Generator
0 - Module 3: MatPlotLib
- MatPlotLib - Charts
- Plots and 3D Figures!
- Intro to MatPlotLib
- First Graph!
- Understanding the MatPlotLib Interface
- Graph Labels
- Creating a Graph from a File
- Understanding SubPlots and Figures
- Coloring of Graph
- Multiple Plots in a Graph
- Multiple Graphs in a Figure
- What about 3 graphs?
- Bar Graphs Intro
- Modifying our Bar Graph
- Pie Chart Intro
- Modifying our Pie Chart
- Adding a Legend
- 3D Graphics Intro
- 3D Scatter Plots
- Multiple 3D Scatter Plots
- 3D Bar Graphs 3D Wireframes
0 - Module 4: Data Analysis with Pandas
- Intro to Pandas
- Series Data Structure
- Series Continuation
- Data Frames Intro
- Creating a CSV
- Reading a CSV
- Writing to a CSV
- Getting our Data
- Slicing Data Frames
- Data Manipulation
- Indexing and More
- Merging Data Frames
- GroupBy Function
- MovieLens Data
- Heavy Data Analysis
- MatPlotLib with Pandas
- Let's Finish This
0 - Module 5: Python GUI with Tkinter
- Tkinter Introduction
- Labels
- Buttons
- Layouts
- Fill
- Grid Layout
- Entries
- Check Buttons
- GUI Login
- Actions on Button Click
- Binding Functions
- More Binding!
- Getting Entry Data
- Message Box
- Drop Down Menus
- Calculator Part
- Calculator Part
- Canvas Intro Canvas Objects
- Canvas Fill
- Random Rectangle Generator
- Text and Arcs
0 - Module 6: Project Work & Documentation0