- 12 Sections
- 0 Lessons
- 45 Hours
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- Module1: Getting Started
- What is React?
- Set Up the Development Environment
- Your First React App
- Hello World
- Concept of Virtual DOM
0 - Module 2: ES Refresher
- Introduction
- Let vs Var vs Const
- Objects
- The this Keyword
- Binding this
- Arrow Functions
- Arrow Function and this
- Array map Method
- Object Destructing
- Spread Operator
- Classes
- Inheritance
- Modules
- Named and Default Exports
0 - Module 3: Components
- Introduction
- Setting Up the Project
- Your First React Components
- Specifying Children
- Embedding Expression
- Settings Attributes
- Rendering Classes Dynamically
- Rendering Lists
- Conditional Rendering
- Handling Events
0 - Module 4: Composing Components
- Introduction
- Composing Components
- Passing Data to Components
- Passing Children
- Debugging React Apps
- Props Vs State
- Raising and Handling Events
- Updating the State
- Single Source of Truth
- Removing the Local State
- Multiple Components in Sync
- Lifting the State Up
- Stateless Functional Components
- Destructuring Arguments
- Lifecycle Hooks
- Mounting Phase
- Updating Phase
- Unmounting Phase
0 - Module 5: Pagination, Filtering and Sorting
- Pagination- Component Interface
- Pagination- Handling Page Changes
- Filtering- Component Interface
- Filtering- Default Props
- Sorting and Extracting
- Sorting- Raising the Sort Event
0 - Module 6: Routing
- Setup
- Adding Routing
- Switch
- Link
- Route Props
- Passing Props
- Route Parameter
- Optional Parameter
- Query String Parameters
- Redirects
- Programmatic Navigation
- Nested Routing
0 - Module 7: Forms and Validation
- Building Bootstrap Forms
- Handling Form Submission
- Refs
- Controlled Elements
- Handling Multiple Inputs
- Extracting a Reusable Input
- Extracting a Reusable Form
- Validation
- A Basic Validation Implementation
- Displaying Validation Errors
- Validation on Change
0 - Module 8: Calling Backend Services
- JSON Placeholder
- Http Clients
- Getting Data
- Creating Data
- Lifecycle of a Request
- Updating Data
- Deleting Data
- Optimistic vs Pessimistic Updates
- Extracting a Reusable Http Service
0 - Module 9: Authorization and Authorization
- Logging in a User
- Submitting the Login Form
- Handling Login Errors
- Storing the JWT
- Getting the Current User
- Displaying the Current User on NavBar
- Logging out a User
- Fixing Bi-directional Dependencies
- Authorization
0 - Module 10: Deployment
- Introduction
- Environment Variables
- Production Builds
- Getting Started with Heroku
- Deploying to Heroku
0 - Module 11: Advanced Topics
- Setting Up the Development Environment
- Higher Order Components
- Implementing a Higher Order Component
- Hooks
- The useState Hook
- The useEffect Hook
- Custom Hooks
- Fetching Data with Hooks
- Context
- Context in Class Components
- Context in Functional Components
- Updating the Context
- Consuming Multiple Contexts
0 - Module 12: Project Work and Documentation0