- 16 Sections
- 0 Lessons
- 60 Hours
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- Module 1: Introduction
- Introduction to Web Development
- Understanding Client and Server Architecture
- Differences between http and https
0 - Module 2: Static Website Designing
- Introduction to HTML
- LimitationsofHTML4
- IntroductionandAdvantagesofHTML5
- FirstHTML5Document
- OverviewofNew FeaturesofHTML5
- HTML5 elements and HTML5 tags
- Working with Images
- HTML5 List
- HTML5 Table
- FormElements and Attributes
- Div
- Section
0 - Module 3: CSS
- Introduction to CSS
- CSS selector
- Applying CSS – Internal
- External, Inline
- CSS Class and ID
0 - Module 4: JavaScript
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Variables
- Statements
- Operator
- Conditional Statement
- Loop
- User Define functions
0 - Module 5: JQuery
- Basic idea about jquery
- Advantage of jquery
- Simple but essential application of jquery
- Form validation using jquery
0 - Module 6: JEE
- Introduction to JEE architecture
- Different types of Java Application
- Two
- three and multitier application
- advantages and disadvantages of above architecture
- MVC and MVC 2 architecture
- JEE architecture
- components and container of JEE
- Web and Application server
- Introduction to Tomcat Server
- installing and configuration with Eclipse
- Path setting of Tomcat
- Create a simple web application in Eclipse and run in Tomcat server
0 - Module 7: Java Servlet
- Introduction to Servlet Technology
- Servlet and its Architecture
- How servlets work
- role of Deployment descriptor (web.xml)
- Deployment descriptor vs Annotation
- Servlet API (Javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http)
- Servlet Life cycle and its method
- How to create Servlet(Servlet interface, GenericServlet class, HttpServlet class)
- Writing service method
- Constructing Responses
- Describe doGet() and doPost() method
- Deploy servlet in eclipse
0 - Module 8: Relational Database Management System
- What Is A Database?
- What Is SQL?
- Overview of RDBMS
- Entity Relationship Model
- Entity, Attributes
- Relationship
- Database keys(Primary key, Foreign key)
- DCL statements
- Insert
- update
- delete and select operation
- Data types in Database
0 - Module 9: Database using Servlet
- Working with Database (JDBC) using Servlet
- Introduction to JDBC
- JDBC drivers
- How to connect any java application to any database using JDBC
- Insert
- delete
- update. Select operation
- DriverManager class
- Statement
- PreparedStatement interface
- ResultSet interface and its different methods to access data from database
- Access database from Servlet
- A simple registration page example
0 - Module 10: RequestDispatcher and Session Management in Servlet
- RequestDispatcher and forward() & include() method
- difference between forward() and sendRedirect()
- Session Tracking using HttpSession
- Cookie
- URL rewriting and Hidden form field
- how to create session and set and get session
- HttpSession methods like getSession
- setAttribute()
- getAttribute() etc
- how to create cookie and set and get cookie
- Data management using URL rewriting and Hidden
- Form field
0 - Module 11:Event and Listeners
- Introduction to Event Classes and Interfaces
- Listeners interface
- Servlet Filter and Filter API
- Concepts of Filter Chain
- Server side validation using Filter
0 - Module 12: Java Server Pages(JSP)
- What is JSP
- Advantages of JSP over Servlet
- JSP architecture
- JSP life cycle
- Some JSP tags like Scriplet Tag
- declaration tag
- Expression tag
- JSP implicit object
- JSP directives A simple example in JSP
- JSP Action elements [ jsp:forward(), jsp:include() ]
0 - Module 13: Java Beans
- What is Java bean
- Setter
- getter method and serialization
- Jsp:useBean tag to access a bean
- Jsp:setProperty and jsp:getProperty
- Use of bean as a model of MVC
0 - Module 14: Scopes and Attributes
- Different scopes in servlet and JSP
- Request
- session and Application scope
- Access those scope using servlet and JSP
- Attributes and different methods(setAttribute, getAttribute)
- Difference between ServletContext and ServletConfig
0 - Module 15: JSTL and JSP Expression Language
- Core tag
- Functional tag
- Formatting tag and SQL tag of JSTL
- A simple example showing all tags
- Introduction to EL
- Implicit objects in EL
- Scopes in EL
- Basic operator in EL
0 - Module 16: Project work and Documentation0