Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
- 15 Sections
- 0 Lessons
- 45 Hours
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- Module 1: HTML and CSS
- Introduction
- HTML5 elements and tags
- HTML5 Forms
- CSS Selectors
- Applying CSS- Inline, Internal and External CSS
0 - Module 2: Introduction to PHP
- Evaluation of PHP
- Basic Syntax
- Defining variable and constant
- PHP Data type
- Operator and Expression
0 - Module 3: Handling Html Form With PHP
- Capturing Form Data Dealing with Multi-value filed
- Generating File uploaded form
- Redirecting a form after submission
0 - Module 4: Decisions and loop
- Making Decisions
- Doing Repetitive task with looping
0 - Module 5: Function
- What is a user define function?
- Define a user define function
- Different types of user define functions
0 - Module 6: String and Array
- Creating and accessing String
- Formatting String
- String Related inbuilt function
- Anatomy of an Array
- Creating index based and Associative array
- Accessing array Element
- Looping with Index based array
- Looping with associative array using foreach()
- Some useful array inbuilt function
0 - Module 7: Types of Error in PHP
- Understand the Basic syntax and Parse error
- Warning errors in PHP
- Fatal error in PHP
- Difference between include and require function </li
0 - Module 8: Database Connectivity with MySQL
- Introduction to DBMS and RDBMS
- PHP and MySQL
- Creating Database and Tables in MySQL
- Creating Database connection using PHP
- Inserting data into MySQL Database using PHP
- Retrieving, Update and Delete Data from MySQL database using PHP
- MySQL Where clause
- Order By
- Joining multiple table using PHP
0 - Module 10: JavaScript
- Introduction
- Syntax
- Comments
- Variables
- Datatypes
- Operator
- Conditional Statements
- Loops
- Working with Events
0 - Module 11: jQuery
- Introduction
- Syntax
- Selectors
- Events
- Some Essential Effects
0 - Module 12: Applicability and Industry Standard
- PHP OOPS Concepts
- Session and Cookies
- File Uploading
- Updating
- Deleting in PHP
0 - Module 13: AJAX
- Introduction
- XMLHttp Request
- Response
0 - Module 14: Security in PHP
- Database level security
- Secure code in PHP
- Introduction of MVC architecture
- Searching and filtering technique
0 - Module 15: Overview of MVC framework0
- Module 16: Project Work & Documentation0