- 14 Sections
- 0 Lessons
- 45 Hours
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- Module 1: Overview
- History of Python
- Python Features
- Environment Setup
- Getting Python installing Python
- Setting up PATH
- Setting path at Windows
- Python Environment Variables
- Running Python
0 - Module 2: Basics Syntax
- Python Programme
- Python Identifiers
- Python Keywords
- Lines and Indentation
- Python Comments in Python
0 - Module 3: Data Types
- Assigning Values to Variables
- Multiple Assignment
- Standard Data Types
- Python Numbers
- Python Strings
- Python Lists
- Data Type Conversion
0 - Module 4: Operators, Decision Making and Loop
- Different types of Operator
- If…else Statement
- elif Statement
- For Loop
- Break Statement
- Continue Statement
0 - Module 5: Functions
- Types of Functions
- Inbuilt functions
- Advantages of user define function
- Different types of user define functions
0 - Module 6: FILES I/O
- Using input function taking data from command line
- Opening and Closing Files
- Performing Reading
- Writing and Appending operation using Python
0 - Module 7: Class and Object
- Overview of Object Oriented Programming
- Creating Class
- Built-in Class Attributes
- Inheritance
- Method Overriding, Data Hiding
0 - Module 8: Exceptions
- What is Exception?
- Handling an Exception
- The except Clause with No Exceptions
- The try-finally Clause
0 - Module 9: CGI Programming
- What is CGI?
- Web Browsing
- CGI Architecture
- Web Server Support and Configuration
- First CGI Program
- HTTP Header
- CGI Environment Variables
- GET and POST Methods
- Passing Information using GET method
- Passing Drop Down Box Data to CGI Program
- DATABASE ACCESS, What is pymysql?
- How do I Install pymysql?
- Database Connection
- Creating Database Table
- INSERT, READ and Update Operation, DELETE Operation, Search Operation
- Disconnecting Database
- Cookies in CGI
0 - Module 10: HTML and CSS
- Introduction
- HTML5 elements and tags
- HTML5 Forms
- CSS Selectors
- Applying CSS- Inline, Internal and External CSS
0 - Module 11: Javascript
- Introduction
- Syntax
- Comments
- Variables
- Datatypes
- Operator
- Conditional Statements
- Loops
- Events
- Form Validation
0 - Module 12: jQuery
- Introduction
- Syntax, Selectors
- Events, Some Essential Effects
0 - Module 13: AJAX
- Introduction
- XMLHttp
- Request, Response
- Python&AJAX
0 - Module 13: Project Work & Documentation0