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training 2023Get ahead of the curve with personalized mentorship, career guidance, and job assistance from our industry experts.
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Job oriented
trainingBridge the academic and practical learning gaps in the IT industry. Our programs prepare you as per industry requirements and provide you with placements.
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Pre Placement Courses
Improve your skillset and knowledge and get ready to crack your dream job with confidence. Get the best pre-placement courses from our top-grade industry experts!
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Training and Internship
Best training and internship programs are available at Euphoria GenX that will make you industry ready and proceed you one step forward to your dream job!
that we work with

Euphoria GenX
Euphoria Genx is a leading IT training institute offering the best job-oriented computer courses in Kolkata. Our organization provides best-in-class skill development courses by top industry experts. We help young job seekers get a headstart on an exciting career in the growing IT sector.
Our training programs offer a perfect blend of academic knowledge essential to building a strong foundation and practical exposure to gain the latest industry insights. Aside from personalized guidance from our industry experts, we also offer first-hand opportunities to work on real-time projects and job assistance.
Why Choose Us
Popular Courses
Companies that hire from us
Techno Exponent
Largest Recruiter
Techno Exponent is a web and mobile app development company based in Delhi and Kolkata, with a US-based office in Miami. It is the fastest-growing IT software company and the most prominent recruiter around the globe.
Techno Exponent is a partner with Google, Adobe, and Microsoft and received awards like “Times Leading IT Company”,
“Fastest Growing Brand 2021-22 by Asia One”, and “Leading App Development Company of the Year 2023” along with other achievements.
The dynamic team of 275 + developers at Techno Exponent has successfully served over 1200+ clients globally from last 12 years.
Others Recruiter

Placement We Offered
Adamas University
Durgapur Institute of Advanced Technology and Management
Techno India Group Of Engineering And Management
Kalyani Government Engineering College

TESTIMONILSWhat our students say