All modern programming languages, including Java, are based on the OOPS (object-oriented programming) concept. While the older programming languages like PASCAL, and FORTRAN are not so obsessed with objects, Java depends on the OOP concept a lot. Know about the four pillars of the OOP concept in Java before you join an advanced Java course. At the start, get an understanding of its basics, class, and object.
Objects Oriented Programming denotes a programming style that is based on the object and class idea that represents data. Class denotes a prototype or template over there that does not occupy but also gives an idea about the features of an object. And Objects denote the instances of the Class. And it is an actual entity that occupies space in the memory.
It is like a basic blueprint of object creation. The main purpose of code is to define the methods and properties of the object of any specific class. To define this we use class keywords, followed by the class name, and body that features the properties and methods of the class.
It is an instance of a class. The object has its own property set and comes with the ability to perform actions. For object creation, we use a new keyword followed by the class name and argument to the constructor.
After getting a basic notion of class and object, now take a close look at the four main pillars of OOP.
In Java, encapsulation denotes a mechanism of data wrapping and code manipulation that work together as a single unit. Encapsulation is used to hide the implementation details of a class from outside code. This work is done by privatizing the fields and offering getter and setter methods for modification and access in a controlled way.
Encapsulation is significant in the real world for causes like improved software security, preventing code from unauthorized access, etc.
The benefits of encapsulation in OOP are:
Another OOP component you should know about before joining an advanced Java course is this one. This is the procedure of inheriting properties and methods from one to another class in Java.
Inheritance in OOP offers several advantages like:
Basic OOP Principles
Polymorphism– Entities may have multiple forms
Encapsulation – Exposure of an object to the selected item
Abstraction – It hides details to reduce the complexity
Inheritance– Entities inherit attributes from different entities
Abstraction is used for hiding implementation details and exposing the functionality to the users. Here we deal with the ideas and two ways to get abstraction in Java including Abstract class and interface. The benefits abstraction provides to the users are:
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It denotes the ability to perform many tasks in many ways. As the name suggests, Polymorphism combines two Greek words that are Poly and Morphs. The Poly denotes Many and “Morphs” means forms. So polymorphism means many forms. The polymorphism can be presented for inheritance as well.
The benefits of Polymorphism include:
So, after going through this blog you gathered a basic knowledge about OOP pillars. To know more and explore Java, consider joining the professional Java course in Kolkata offered by us. Our advanced Java courses are designed to give you an in-depth understanding of this programming language. With a detailed curriculum and guidance from the experts, our courses will ensure to give you the best understanding of it.
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